We offer research assistance, expert support and website management to help open new journals in India and other countries.

  • ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a 13-digit unique identifier for monograph publications that replaces lengthy bibliographic records. This clear and machine-readable identification number is used worldwide to mark books.
  • ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a code used globally for the identification of serials like journals, newspapers, and newsletters by publishers, libraries, and information services. It helps with citation and retrieval, automatic inclusion in the International Serials Directory Database, and international recognition.
  • The National Science Library (NSL) has a printed collection of over 251,000 S&T documents including monographs, journals, reports, theses/dissertations, standards, and patents. The collection policy emphasizes high-end R&D reference sources, Indian S&T publications, foreign language dictionaries, library and information science, information and communication technology, computer science, conference proceedings, technical reports, and other relevant sources for the S&T community in the country.